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An A4 sheet of Christian Easter stickers for kids (or anyone).


These stickers focus on the events of Holy Week and Easter. They bring out various reasons why Jesus died and rose. They go into more depth, for children with some familiarity with the Bible.


  1. Bread & wine. Text: Jesus said, Remember me
  2. Palm leaves. Text: Hosanna!
  3. A gold cross with radiating lines. Text: Jesus loves me
  4. A cross against a splash of blood. Text: Christ died for our sins
  5. Silhouette of 3 crosses agains red sky. Text: Jesus died for me!
  6. Cross made from coind. Text: Jesus paid for us
  7. Broken chain. Text: Jesus sets us free!
  8. Sunrise behind 3 crosses. Text: The Son has risen
  9. Empty tomb. Text: Jesus is alive!
  10. A seedling. Text: Jesus gives new life
  11. A skull. Text: Jesus has beaten death
  12. An Easter egg with a cross on it. Text: Thank you Jesus!


  • 35 stickers - 12 designs
  • 3.7cm square
  • Arranged on an A4 sheet
  • non-laminated paper

EASTER paper stickers (A4 sheet)

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