An A4 sheet of Christian Easter stickers for kids.
Ideal for using in church or giving away to children at events.
These are designed to appeal to younger children.
- 35 stickers - 11 designs (or 16 if you include colour variations)
- 3.5cm round
- Arranged on an A4 sheet
- non-laminated paper
- A cross. Text: Jesus died for me
- Empty tomb. Text: Jesus is alive
- An egg cracking. Text: Jesus brings new life
- Sunrise. Text: Jesus makes all things new
- A cross with a heart on it. Text: Jesus loves me
- A seedling. Text: Jesus brings new life
- A sad face and happy face. Text: Jesus died. Jesus lives
- Easter egg with a cross on it. Text: Thank you Jesus
- Easter egg. Text: Jesus is alive!
- People jumping up and down. Text: Jesus is alive
- A nest with eggs. Text: Jesus gives new life
EASTER JOY paper stickers (A4 sheet)