About me

My name is Kirsty McAllister and ​I'm an illustrator and designer from Glasgow, Scotland.
I enjoy doing illustrations in a variety of styles, both traditional and digital. Most of my work is in children's and educational illustration.
I research all my illustrations thoroughly, to make sure that everything - from a wheelchair to a giraffe - is as accurate as possible.
I'm particularly interested in clothes and everyday life in history - especially biblical history. I'm continually researching to make my illustrations as historically accurate as possible. I'm most familiar with ancient history (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Judea, Assyria, Persia, Rome), but any historical period is interesting.
For many years I have been designing worksheets for children ranging from preschool to young teens. This often included making up the puzzles as well as doing the design.
I have worked on two teaching packs for children's holiday clubs, which included all the design work, some illustration, and commissioning illustrations from another illustrator. I enjoy the challenge of fitting everything together in a clear and easy-to-follow way.
If you have a project you think I might be interested in, or have any questions, contact me:
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